
I like to linger, a little longer, a little longer here with you

15 July, 2016

These two Besties in the Hills

This picture really makes me happy. Such a perfect frame. There are hills, there is cool breeze (that’s the need of the hour in Delhi) and there are tiny pebbles which I adore, its positive, its green and most importantly its cute (cuteness and positivity rules in my world just by the way). Moreover, these two fellas got me thinking about a lot of things. They look like companions waiting for better things ahead. May be they are Best Friends looking for the next meal they can get (why? because food is awesome). They definitely look like they are made for each other.
Too we are made to believe that our soul-mate is someone that we fall head over heels in love with. We believe that a soulmate is someone who will be by our side always, the one that we will spend our lives with.
Well, it is not entirely false.
Except, lately I have started believing that maybe our soulmates are not the ones we get romantically involved with? Sometimes you just find one heart that you connect with. Believe me, the best relationships are the ones who you do not seek for and they are already there. You can find your soulmate in your parents (like I do), your siblings, and your friends. Moreover, in my belief your passion can become your companion in life too. And you can come across several soulmates in your life. Your soul does not limit you to aligning with others like you, others who feel like home to you. The people who you don’t have to put in much effort with but just naturally click; those are the relationships you know will last a lifetime no matter how far life takes you apart.
Your best friends easily make the best soulmates because even though you most likely will lead different lives, but in the end you will always be together (and forever) I am so glad I have found my magical relationships, my very own Soulmates. Have you?

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