
I like to linger, a little longer, a little longer here with you

09 April, 2016

Unfolding - Intangible Heritage of Jagannath Puri

I am all set with the 'essentials' I need to write a Project Report for my Institute this semester which include
Stationery    Pictures   References 
Good luck!?  oh yes most Important,  and for that I need to explain the whole background to everybody.  So I have worked on three projects in last eight months and this would be the fourth one (believe it or not) .  This one deals with 'The Intangible Heritage of Jagannath Puri Temple'. I have been so excited since this topic came to my mind and now I can't wait to begin with it. The Idea of the assignment is based on the Cultural pattern of Puri in present day, the century old practices and rituals and the beauty in these complex believes. After reading much about it, I came to the conclusion that the glory and greatness of Jagannathism is a great story to do. Such a broad based system of religious life is not to be found anywhere in the world. 
       Moreover, Only recently I have also got this realisation that I dig for 'Intangible Heritage' around me. The performing arts,  the traditions,  the living expressions, social practices,  festivals. I live to see these long living, on going Wonders. The idea of working on the 'Temple Traditions' have always been interesting me. I was very little when I visited the 'Purushottam Kshetra' with my family and I do not remember much from that. I have wanted to go again, not because of religious reasons but because reading about the fascinating facts of this temple has compelled me to witness the marvel of it in reality. Its origin, history, it's association with the Tribals, and the innumerable rituals that take place inside the magnificent temple complex is very unique. So a month back I was in Orissa, and I finally in Puri. It was just as I expected, a huge mass of devotees eager to see the 'Trimurti'.
      When we think of the Puri temple,  we also think of the presiding deities therein. Hence I decided on understanding the Cult of Jagannath and the social, religious,  cultural life associated with it.  Jagannath, "Lord of the Universe" is worshipped along with his brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra.
   The famous Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra,  an Intangible Heritage of the area which has been ongoing, since years. It is participated by lakhs of pilgrims from the whole of India, has a number of vidhis or practices in connection with the pulling of the chariots and the journey of Jagannatha to the garden house (which will be a focus point in my report). One of the vidhis is called 'Cherapahanra'. This literally means, the sweeping of the floor. On this occasion, when the deities are brought from the main temple and placed on the special seats designed for them on the chariots, the Raja of Puri, is required to sweep the floor of the chariots in front of the deities with a golden broom-stick. Thousands of eyes watch the performance with rapt attention. Needless to say, this vidhi or practice is symbolic of the highest form of social justice and equality that has remained an objective to be realized by humanity in all walks of life. 
     The most interesting and tasteful section of my report will focus on the 'Chappan Bhog'. Being a foodie myself I can't wait to get started. As I crossed the main entrance, I found on the left-hand side, a vast kitchen area of the temple. The Puri temple may be described as the 'biggest hotel of the world'. It can feed even one lakh persons. The method of preparation is most hygienic and the traditional process of preparation of food for so many people in so short a time, takes many by surprise. To the right, we have the Ananda Bajara which is the popular name of the food selling market within the enclosure. Ananda Bajara literally means, the pleasure market. The food offerings of the Jagannatha temple which is called 'Mahaprasada' is a wonder of the Hindu world. Usually persons of all castes are seen enjoying Mahaprasada sitting in one place in a row. 
     Another grandiloquent event associated with the Lord Jagannath is Naba Kalabera. The event involves installation of new images in the temple and burial of the old ones in the temple premises. It's the most elaborated theory which is offered me to study so I will be doing another write up on it soon.
There was so much I saw and took in that is difficult to express. Till then wish me luck for the upcoming assignment.

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